The success of your business is organically built by your team; but the team can’t build without planning, structure, and goal setting. Synergie will evaluate the following elements to ensure strategic goals are not only achieved but exceeded.

- Culture Evaluation: Without a strong culture, goals are more difficult to achieve
- Strategic Planning: Short and Long term goals
- Inventory Management
- Service Pricing Based on Your Financials
- Reference Lab Pricing and Reconciliation
- Revenue Center Optimization
- Practice Management Software Optimization
- Expense Management
- Controlled Substance and DEA Management
- Safety and OSHA Plan Development, Training, and Management
- Insurance and Contract Review
- Chart of Accounts Alignment, Benchmarks, and Accurate P&Ls
- Equipment and Building Maintenance and Protocols
- Marketing Evaluation: Logo, Website, Social Media, Graphics Design
- Exit Strategy Exploration and Planning